Friday, October 31, 2008

Biggest Loser Holiday Challenge

Biggest Loser Holiday Challenge
Beginning November 7th-New Year's
8 weeks long
$25 to join (goes into the pot)
1st, 2nd and 3rd place $ prize
Losing 10% of your starting weight gets you $10 back
Winners determined by % lost of starting weight
Weekly weigh ins (on honor system, don't join if you have
an honesty issue) every Wednesday.
You can also join without paying the $25, but you will not be eligable for the
prize $$ or the weekly challenge prize.
This is a great way to help us all stay somewhat on track with the
upcoming holiday festivites.
For more info, and to join e mail Kristal @

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Final Weight-151 It's Fantastical!

Well I have done my best and I think that I did pretty darn well. My goal weight was 150 but 1 pound off holy cow I am not complaining at all. I did not do perfect by any means I mean I had nights where I at a lot of candy and had way too much sour cream on my burritos but I hoped that I wouldn't totally give up from those nights as I have done in the past usually I would just say "screw it" and be done with dieting but I kept going. I am sure hoping that this week off that I don't go too overboard. I am currently eating Frankenberry to celebrate but that probably isn't the best celebration but oh well. You ladies did so great. I am in for the next round. Yahoo!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting So Stinkin' Close!!

Unbelievable I am so excited. I have worked stinkin hard!! My goal for this contest is to get down to 150 but we'll see I don't think I can lose 4 pounds in a week especially since I just make pumpkin shaped sugar cookies and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I guess I better give them all away like really fast. I have been eating a lot of fiber 1 bars and string cheese and plain unsalted peanuts and oatmeal. It seems to really work. I am also changing all of my white stuff like white bread and pasta and tortillas to whole wheat. I just changed that over and it seems to be doing really well. I must say that I am starting to feel so much better and well I still have craving and give in to them its just that I guess I eat 2 cookies instead of the whole sleeve of oreos which is what was normal for me. Lets see if I can keep this up. By the way Halloween I am going to eat a stinkin lot of candy, bet on it baby! (I need a pedicure bad too right?)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Have Patience, Have Hope!

So I am 156 today and I have lost 2 more pounds. I can't tell you how excited I am. It was looking shaky the last few days but I pulled it off. I am totally still losing motivation. I am still trying to get my 5 month old to sleep through the night and working on pottytraining my 2 year old. Oh the horror of it all. Not to mention the last 2 days I have been craving everything in site. I haven't done that since the first week of the competition. Well it turns out my period just started up after not having it for a year and a half due to pregnancy and nursing. I can't flippin fit in an extra work out during the day. I want to take my kids out and ride bikes or something but it has gotten fetchin cold here fast and it hasn't happened. I have like 6 more pounds to go before this competition ends and I am still hoping of course to drop below that too. The thing is is after 15 pounds lost I would feel even slightly better about my body but that hasn't happened yet, is it all in my mind?? Oh well press on.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


158 Still! I know that I have done pretty good so far but am I plateauing?? I don't know. Does that mean I need to kick it up a notch? Holy cow I can barely do what I am doing now. OK so I know that I have lost like 13 pounds so far in this competition but I see absolutely no difference with my body. I can tell that I am stronger and I have more endurance but inches are like nothing. I am probably losing it in like my ankles or neck or something. Somewhere that I don't flippin care if I lose it. I need it in my freakin fat mom belly for craps sake. Next time I do this competition I will totally measure inches and stuff too. I need some more motivation to lose. Good luck girls I am rooting for you all.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Still Truckin Along Baby!

So I am down 3 more pounds to 158. Holy cow I am in the 150's it's gotta be some kind of miracle. I didn't do as well as I should have this past week and still lost. I went to a combined ward potluck and I ate like way too much but not past 7:30 so I consider it still somewhat of a triumph. OK the best thing that I have noticed this past week is that I am totally stronger. I am running longer on the treadmill without getting tired and my ankles aren't like dying from the weight on them. Also I can like stretch over and grab the bottom of my feet. Holy cow when I started this I could barely touch my feet. That makes me happy I must say. OK my new favorite treat is smart pop ok like those 100 calorie packs that I have bought in the past like oreo and stuff. I totally would like eat those 6 wafers in a pack and move on and eat 2 more packs for craps sake they just didn't do anything for me. These popcorn bags are individual and they seriously take you awhile to eat and they satisfy you and are good and are like 110 calories. I love them! Last week I seriously started to lose my motivation but I am doing so much better. I have stopped craving things as much. I still want treats here and there but I really dont' want to gorge them as much. I guess that is the goal right??? To find a balance. Alright one month left to go. They say that if you do something 21 days in a row that it makes it a habit right. I hope that I am there and I keep going. Thanks for all of the support!!