Monday, October 26, 2009

Stinkin' Halloween Cookies

So... I love to bake and give away treats to neighbors and friends but of course as you cook you eat, and as you frost, you eat, and as you deliver them you eat some off of the plate. I am making no promises for Halloween night I will do my darndest. I did lost one pound this week so I feel completely triumphant. I think that my tonsils are healed up enough so that I can start exercising again. It really hurt when I tried before and was sucking some serious wind through them. Ya, me!!!


kristal said...

I love your picture! And I agree 100 STINKING %!!!! I love baking but it's a pain that you have to eat so much of it when you bake...even if you are baking for someone else. ug! Holidays suck. Ok, I LOVE holidays, holiday baking sucks. Um, ok, and did you get that adorable outfit 2 posts down? post a pic of you in it! I need to go buy a motivational outfit. I'm going to do that righ to VS website ! yay!!!

Raysha said...

Evil Halloween cookies, and candy, and everything!! I have NO self control.

kelly said...

Congrats! I love cookies, especially sugar cookies with frosting. You can do it and get to your goal. I am trying to lose 10 more lbs. right now in 5 weeks. I will be watching you rposts for motivation. We can do it!