OH, 161. Just one pound lost. I was doing so well what freaking happened. I might know but I didn't think that just a few cookies and candy would make that big of a difference. It's not like I drank any soda at all or ate after 7:30. Crap I need to kick it up a notch I guess. Alright for the next while I need to kick up my water intake. I am not doing that all that well and I need to try harder. I totally biffed it on the treadmill this morning. This stinky weight fell down and I tripped over it. I have a nice raspberry to show for it. I am such a stinkin dork. This photo was of me in a summer theater the year after I was married. I was playing a sexy nurse and I was cute and sexy and not necessarily skinny by any means but healthy and very active and happy with myself. I hope this is motivation for later. I have some questions for you guys. I live on a ski resort and my daughter goes to school like 40 miles away so when I am in town I stay there for awhile. I almost have to eat out. Is there any good fast food that is a good healthy option that you guys are aware of? Let me know. Work it baby!
One pound is still great, especaially being so small already. You are kicking butt. Subway is always a healthy option, espec. if you have like a veggie on whole wheat with honey mustard sauce instead of mayo. Goodluck this week!
yea we do subway almost ALL the time when we're on the road or in town. We also split a salad, or if I'm alone, I order a salad (I hate ordering side salads, so I have to order a full salad, so much yummier) and when I order it I ask them for a to go box right off and box half of it. Which ski resort are you on? If you're in flagstaff you should go to oregano's and get the pablo picaso salad. It saves well.
Um, and I SO know what you mean about a couple of cookies making a difference. I never lose weight on days I eat a cookie. It sucks! !
The Fiber One Bars are usually in the cereal section. I know they are at Safeway and Walmart anyways. Theya re cheapest at Walmart, unless you can catch a great sell on them.
Um, and yes, it is nice being tall because it doesn't show as much when I put on a few pounds, but on the flip flop, I have to LOSE more for it to show as well. Boo! Um, so what are you doing? Are you doing a diet? or just changing your eatting on your own? You're doing great, and these pictures are hot! I just got out my college aged picture...um, I was still chubby...boo! I only had about5 skinny months of my life.
Congratulations on first place this week! Whatever you are doing is working so keep it up!
Okay so I am catching up on everyones' blogs and I had to laugh at the comment about running with mom boobs. I am going through the same thing and so I try to go running when the least amount of people will see me. Way to go on your losing weight!
You are so flippin hilarious. Keep up the great job one pound is great.
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