OH, 161. Just one pound lost. I was doing so well what freaking happened. I might know but I didn't think that just a few cookies and candy would make that big of a difference. It's not like I drank any soda at all or ate after 7:30. Crap I need to kick it up a notch I guess. Alright for the next while I need to kick up my water intake. I am not doing that all that well and I need to try harder. I totally biffed it on the treadmill this morning. This stinky weight fell down and I tripped over it. I have a nice raspberry to show for it. I am such a stinkin dork. This photo was of me in a summer theater the year after I was married. I was playing a sexy nurse and I was cute and sexy and not necessarily skinny by any means but healthy and very active and happy with myself. I hope this is motivation for later. I have some questions for you guys. I live on a ski resort and my daughter goes to school like 40 miles away so when I am in town I stay there for awhile. I almost have to eat out. Is there any good fast food that is a good healthy option that you guys are aware of? Let me know. Work it baby!