Friday, December 19, 2008

Slowing Down!!

I think that in the beginning of this competition when I started at 171 that I was really losing weight very quickly like 2-3 pounds every week and now... well I am definitely slowing down. I think that possibly my body is starting to regulate to the weight that it is supposed to be and so it is going oh so slowly. I am barely squeaking out a pound a week now and it is frustrating. I have serious goals for not going overboard this holiday season like if I really want dessert than skip on the carbs at dinner like rolls and potatoes. Good luck girls and have a super Christmas!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

I Can't Believe I Cracked My Way into the 140's

I don't know if I should call this picture my inspirational one of the week or a picture of something that I will never be!! I mean she hasn't had any kids and so her boobs are still perky and her stomach is flat, don't mind me I'm just bitter and she's 39 for crying out loud!! Anyways I cracked my way into the 140's I am officially 149 but maybe not at the end of today but I am right now, and I am celebrating!! I am running really good right now and for longer stretches and thanks to you who gave me advice on if I should run for distance or for time, I appreciate it. I am doing better with eating but a problem I am having now is that of course I am stopping my eating by 7:00 but I don't go to bed until like 9:30 or 10:00 so I start to get hungry again. I guess I should just go to bed earlier but hey my kids are in bed and I run around getting stuff done. I need to find a way to take my mind off of it. OK so ward Christmas party is tonight and I need to plan now what I am going to eat and not eat. Maybe no rolls and no potatoes but I have to have cheesecake maybe half a slice. It is always better to make a decision beforehand so you don't get roped into other things when you are there. Sounds like an after-school special moment right. It's true!! Good luck ladies

Friday, December 5, 2008


This contest is making me go banana sandwich. I can't freakin lose like the last one and it is making me totally crazy!! I just started my period yesterday for the first time in a year and half due to pregnancy and nursing. I don't like feeling bloated and crampy again and it makes me just mad! Alright enough ranting and raving. OK maybe not, how come it is so easy to put weight on in like one day (Thanksgiving) and than its like 2 weeks to take off, the world is not fair I tell ya. Since we live in the mountains I am always like huffing and puffing to run. I went to Yuma for Thanksgiving and was like running all over the place and not getting tired or winded I seriously am mad at elevation! You would think that because I have lived here 3 years that it wouldn't make a difference but it totally does. I have been eating seriously great this past week so it makes me mad that mother earth's gift snuck back in after soooo long for the weigh-in. Oh well better luck next tim. Good luck chickies!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Down 3 more pounds, Ya!!

So I did a lot better this week than last and guess what it shows! The most shocking thing of all is that when I lost from the last contest I really didn't see it at all, anywhere but I finally realized it. We live in Pinetop in the cold country and we are leaving today to go to Yuma for Thanksgiving so I got out a whole bunch of old capris that totally haven't fit me forever but I looked at them and said why not lets try them on, and they all fetchin fit!! Not just fit but were slightly loose when they were skin tight before. It's a Thanksgiving miracle I say. I actually have summer clothes that fit. I am so excited I could do a jiggy jig. I am getting a big nervous about Thanksgiving and I am saying just for me that I am totally taking that meal off and not feeling a bit bad about it. I am not speaking for everyone but for me I am having a heyday. What other day is totally about food I mean come on!! I will just have to step it up for workouts. Happy Thanksgiving ladies and doesn't it totally suck that our weigh-in is the day after. Yikes!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


So I got sick with a wicked cold this week and of course its not the flu so I sat in bed and ate more than I should have. Yes I lost like 2 pounds but I should have lost more this first week. I couldn't exercise either so there ya go. I sure hope I do better next week, I need some better motivation and a better food plan. I think that I have to like make a better meal for the week which I will totally try to do. Good luck ladies, keep truckin

Friday, November 7, 2008

156 and 16 to go!!

I had to post my latest picture of my Halloween costume. I don't think it would have fit 20 pounds ago. Alas I could not find my camera but I swear I'll have it for next week. 156 means that I have gained 5 back from the last contest but it'll come off fast. I have learned that of course there are more things that I can change about my diet. More protein,less carbs and more water drinking. I only tend to drink with meals and that needs to change. I do not like the cold weather coming on that means less time outside and more in and that can be a struggle with working out. I am going to be dedicated and do even better. I would probably fall over dead if I actually got to my goal weight this time it would be wonderful. This little taste of success has defintely given me the confidence to do more and I love it! Good luck ladies.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Biggest Loser Holiday Challenge

Biggest Loser Holiday Challenge
Beginning November 7th-New Year's
8 weeks long
$25 to join (goes into the pot)
1st, 2nd and 3rd place $ prize
Losing 10% of your starting weight gets you $10 back
Winners determined by % lost of starting weight
Weekly weigh ins (on honor system, don't join if you have
an honesty issue) every Wednesday.
You can also join without paying the $25, but you will not be eligable for the
prize $$ or the weekly challenge prize.
This is a great way to help us all stay somewhat on track with the
upcoming holiday festivites.
For more info, and to join e mail Kristal @

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Final Weight-151 It's Fantastical!

Well I have done my best and I think that I did pretty darn well. My goal weight was 150 but 1 pound off holy cow I am not complaining at all. I did not do perfect by any means I mean I had nights where I at a lot of candy and had way too much sour cream on my burritos but I hoped that I wouldn't totally give up from those nights as I have done in the past usually I would just say "screw it" and be done with dieting but I kept going. I am sure hoping that this week off that I don't go too overboard. I am currently eating Frankenberry to celebrate but that probably isn't the best celebration but oh well. You ladies did so great. I am in for the next round. Yahoo!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting So Stinkin' Close!!

Unbelievable I am so excited. I have worked stinkin hard!! My goal for this contest is to get down to 150 but we'll see I don't think I can lose 4 pounds in a week especially since I just make pumpkin shaped sugar cookies and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I guess I better give them all away like really fast. I have been eating a lot of fiber 1 bars and string cheese and plain unsalted peanuts and oatmeal. It seems to really work. I am also changing all of my white stuff like white bread and pasta and tortillas to whole wheat. I just changed that over and it seems to be doing really well. I must say that I am starting to feel so much better and well I still have craving and give in to them its just that I guess I eat 2 cookies instead of the whole sleeve of oreos which is what was normal for me. Lets see if I can keep this up. By the way Halloween I am going to eat a stinkin lot of candy, bet on it baby! (I need a pedicure bad too right?)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Have Patience, Have Hope!

So I am 156 today and I have lost 2 more pounds. I can't tell you how excited I am. It was looking shaky the last few days but I pulled it off. I am totally still losing motivation. I am still trying to get my 5 month old to sleep through the night and working on pottytraining my 2 year old. Oh the horror of it all. Not to mention the last 2 days I have been craving everything in site. I haven't done that since the first week of the competition. Well it turns out my period just started up after not having it for a year and a half due to pregnancy and nursing. I can't flippin fit in an extra work out during the day. I want to take my kids out and ride bikes or something but it has gotten fetchin cold here fast and it hasn't happened. I have like 6 more pounds to go before this competition ends and I am still hoping of course to drop below that too. The thing is is after 15 pounds lost I would feel even slightly better about my body but that hasn't happened yet, is it all in my mind?? Oh well press on.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


158 Still! I know that I have done pretty good so far but am I plateauing?? I don't know. Does that mean I need to kick it up a notch? Holy cow I can barely do what I am doing now. OK so I know that I have lost like 13 pounds so far in this competition but I see absolutely no difference with my body. I can tell that I am stronger and I have more endurance but inches are like nothing. I am probably losing it in like my ankles or neck or something. Somewhere that I don't flippin care if I lose it. I need it in my freakin fat mom belly for craps sake. Next time I do this competition I will totally measure inches and stuff too. I need some more motivation to lose. Good luck girls I am rooting for you all.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Still Truckin Along Baby!

So I am down 3 more pounds to 158. Holy cow I am in the 150's it's gotta be some kind of miracle. I didn't do as well as I should have this past week and still lost. I went to a combined ward potluck and I ate like way too much but not past 7:30 so I consider it still somewhat of a triumph. OK the best thing that I have noticed this past week is that I am totally stronger. I am running longer on the treadmill without getting tired and my ankles aren't like dying from the weight on them. Also I can like stretch over and grab the bottom of my feet. Holy cow when I started this I could barely touch my feet. That makes me happy I must say. OK my new favorite treat is smart pop ok like those 100 calorie packs that I have bought in the past like oreo and stuff. I totally would like eat those 6 wafers in a pack and move on and eat 2 more packs for craps sake they just didn't do anything for me. These popcorn bags are individual and they seriously take you awhile to eat and they satisfy you and are good and are like 110 calories. I love them! Last week I seriously started to lose my motivation but I am doing so much better. I have stopped craving things as much. I still want treats here and there but I really dont' want to gorge them as much. I guess that is the goal right??? To find a balance. Alright one month left to go. They say that if you do something 21 days in a row that it makes it a habit right. I hope that I am there and I keep going. Thanks for all of the support!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OH, 161. Just one pound lost. I was doing so well what freaking happened. I might know but I didn't think that just a few cookies and candy would make that big of a difference. It's not like I drank any soda at all or ate after 7:30. Crap I need to kick it up a notch I guess. Alright for the next while I need to kick up my water intake. I am not doing that all that well and I need to try harder. I totally biffed it on the treadmill this morning. This stinky weight fell down and I tripped over it. I have a nice raspberry to show for it. I am such a stinkin dork. This photo was of me in a summer theater the year after I was married. I was playing a sexy nurse and I was cute and sexy and not necessarily skinny by any means but healthy and very active and happy with myself. I hope this is motivation for later. I have some questions for you guys. I live on a ski resort and my daughter goes to school like 40 miles away so when I am in town I stay there for awhile. I almost have to eat out. Is there any good fast food that is a good healthy option that you guys are aware of? Let me know. Work it baby!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The New Me!!

I love looking at the pictures of you girls and so I posted some more of myself. Recently I decided to become a brunette. So here is the new me hopefully I get a new body to go with it!!

Week 2

Ok so I lost more and I was pretty surprised that I lost as much as I did. I am hoping that I won't plateau too soon but who know?? I have totally not gotten in 1 hour of exercise a day I mean I totally can't fit it in. I run for 30 minutes in the morning and than it is off to the grind and at the end of the day it is bath and family time. I should get my family to go on walks with me I guess. (They just don't book it like I would like them too) I have been eating a lot of nuts, string cheese, salads, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, and steamed veggies. I have a hard time going straight to water from soda so I am a big crystal light fan. I think the not eating after 7:30 is a big deal. My favorite thing used to be sitting in bed downing a bag of mini-Reeses. That is the time that I could be alone and of course I would eat bad. Not a good combo. OK just a little funny thing. I hate my mom stomach rolls as most do but the funny thing is that I am nursing my 4 month old and he rests right on top of that roll below my boobs. HA HA it is a bit funny though. By the way running with big huge mom knockers takes getting used too. I have starting wearing 2 sports bras to keep those puppies in line. Well I am down to 162 from last weeks 166 and I hope that I keep going. Don't give up and don't give in!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mothers and Daughters and Weight

I feel like I am posting a lot lately but I feel that I just have a lot to think about. Growing up my mother was overweight and so am I and so is my sister. I have a six-year old little girl and I so don't want to pass on bad habits to her. I have been talking a lot about my weight lately and how fat that I feel and she has picked up on it. She asked me the other day if her belly looked fat or not and it hit me how much of an example that I am to her. I want her to look up to me and be proud of me and I also don't want to put myself down because of my looks. She will scrutinize herself and she is beautiful!! I am speaking for myself of course and for all of you others who have children especially girls we need to teach them that the most important thing is to be healthy and strong and not necessarily WEIGHT!! I need to realize that I am her example of what a woman should be and what a HUGE responsiblity that is and what a "weight" on my shoulders. I vow to speak kinder about myself so that she can learn to love herself later in life as matter what her weight.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Alright so I live right on a ski resort in northeastern Arizona. My husband runs the lodge and so of course it is all about skiing and stuff. I am like the worst stinking skier ever. My husband is awesome and my 6-year old is starting to freaking do moguls and stuff and my 3-year old will start this winter. I could have free daycare, free skis, free passes, and free private lessons and I still won't do it. I am so afraid because of my weight that I will crash and burn hard. I am making a vow to start this winter. I so don't want to be an on the sidelines mom I want to be a mom who is right alongside with them. It would be so great if I could get some weight off for that so I could feel more comfortable and feel strong enough to do it. (And look like this little ski-bunny too)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pizza Hut, Oh Crap!

So my food journal for yesterday:
PIZZA FREAKING HUT BUFFET!!! My friends invited me and I said sure. It is so hard when socializing always means eating. I mean I had not soda and I tried my hardest to eat like 2 plates of salad first so I wouldn't want pizza but who doesn't want freaking pizza for crying out loud! So 2 very small pieces later and a cinnamon stick I finished. I am just giving myself props for not gorging and drinking 3 glasses of Dr. Pepper like I usually do. I also babysat my friends kids and snacked on some cheese and skittles at her house. I felt super guilty later and had some life cereal for dinner. Oh well always trying better every day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Off To A Good Start??

OK so food journal yesterday:
trail mix
2 cheeses
more oatmeal(I like oatmeal)
baked potato
raw carrots and cucumbers.

I have the hardest time trying to come up with new menu items. I feel like I eat the same stinkin things and than I get bored and of course eat what I'm not supposed to. I also am having issues with my little 4 month old. He loves to scream in his bouncy chair at me while I'm on the treadmill which really makes me focused(sarcasm) I need to start exercising more outside while the weather is still good. I had a good day yesterday but I hope I can keep it up. What are your favorite snacks that are low calorie???

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Alrighty baby!!

So I am currently leaving to go camping on the first day of the weigh-in with my family. That means tons of pop, treats and all of the rest of it. Sounds like total sabotage to me correct?? I am going to try to do my best at writing a food and work out journal everyday. Dr. Pepper is my enemy as is all pop in general. I just love the burn down the throat. I swear that I can feel my eyes roll back in my head when I drink it. That totally can't be good, right??