Yep the picture is small but that is me on the right and my mom in the middle and my sister on the left. I sure hope my mom and sister don't get wind of this but the women in my family are just bigger women. I think I may have just gotten lucky being the smaller of them but if I don't stay in line it is only a matter of time. I know that I have a tendency towards it and I fight it so darn much!! I wish I could just lose this last 10-15 pounds and just be done with it for the rest of my life. Maybe fluctuate 5 pounds here and there but just be done!! I am done having my babies so there should be no excuse at all. It is getting towards the summertime by the end of this contest and there is nothing worse than being fat for summer. I really didn't try much this past contest and I still got third place last contest so that means none of us did well for the holidays so oh well this should be the time!! Good luck ladies I am rooting for you all big time!!
I know you say 10-15 pounds more, but I am worried that if you did that you would blow away when the wind comes. You look really awesome and should be proud of how great you've done. Seriously
I think you look great! I know that we all have our goals though, so good luck to you with the last few pounds!
Kathy you are doing a great job. You really do look great right now and just be really happy with yourself. Look at the next bit of weight lost as a added bonus, but be happy with yourself always. You are awesome and I am rooting for you to win. You can take on Amy and Kristal and go all the way. I know you can.
my gosh girl, you change your haircolor more than I change underwear, ok, not really. I'm with you though....my sister's are all bigger too. They were small before they got married (cept me, I was a size 10) but they have all been between 10 and 20 since then. So it is great ot be the smallest of the sister's for now.
You really look awesome, can I trade you bodies. Consider yourself lucky, I was always the fat sister. You'll get there, I know you will.
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